Shipping Lithium Batteries Internationally

Shipping Lithium Batteries Internationally

Whether you’re shipping stand-alone lithium batteries or products that have them built in, there are strict guidelines to follow. Especially for international air transport where you have to adhere to ICAO/IATA dangerous goods regulations.

Not adhering to these guidelines can lead to fines and your courier service rejecting your shipment. Here’s how you can avoid this:


Lithium batteries are a key component of many electronic devices, including mobile phones and tablets. They also power some electrical tools and electric vehicles. However, the batteries are classified as dangerous goods and require special packaging. If they are not shipped properly, the battery could leak or cause a fire. To avoid this, it is important to choose a trusted supplier with the right experience.

Shipping lithium batteries requires strict compliance with international safety regulations. These regulations are designed to protect human life and property. However, they can be complicated to navigate. There are numerous regulations that vary by country and mode of transport. To ensure that your shipment complies with the regulations, you should check with your airline or courier before sending.

In the United States, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for regulating the shipment of hazardous materials, including lithium batteries. DOT inspectors regularly review air and sea freight to identify potential hazards. They may use specialized inspection equipment to detect these hazards and recommend corrective measures.

Shipping lithium batteries internationally requires that the package be marked and labeled as containing dangerous goods. In addition, the package must pass a drop test from a height of 1.2 meters. The packaging should also be strong enough to prevent cracking. It should also have effective measures against outer short circuits.


Lithium batteries are a common component in electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets. They also are found in power tools, medical equipment and more. When shipping these batteries internationally, there are specific regulations that need to be followed in order to ensure they arrive at their destination safely.

Lithium battery shipping is regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). These agencies set standards for preparing shipments that contain lithium cells and batteries. Shippers must adhere to these standards in order to avoid fines.

These batteries are considered a dangerous good because they have the potential to overheat and explode due to shipping lithium batteries internationally their flammable electrolyte. This overheating can cause a fire that spreads to other flammable materials, which poses a threat to people’s health and property.

When shipping lithium batteries, they must be properly marked and labeled. This is important for ensuring that everyone involved in the shipment knows what to do in case of an emergency. It is also necessary for complying with international shipping laws and avoiding fines.

The labels must include the UN number, proper shipping name, class or division and packing group for the battery. They must be printed on a paper label that is securely attached to the packaging. The labels should be placed on all sides of the packaging, including the top and bottom.


The process for shipping lithium batteries internationally is often more complicated than you might expect. Because of their nature, they’re classified as ‘Dangerous Goods’ and are therefore subject to strict regulations that must be followed to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the shipment.

A waybill is a document that identifies the shipper and outlines the details of the shipment. It acts as a contract of carriage between the sender and recipient through air or sea and is an important document to have when shipping lithium batteries internationally. It must include the complete delivery address and return address, along with the description of the contents. It also needs to be filled in completely and truthfully, and the DGDS (Dangerous Goods Declaration) should be checked to make sure that all the information is correct.

As a shipper, it is your responsibility to ensure that all the necessary documentation and requirements are met when sending lithium batteries. Failure to do so could result in your shipment being delayed or rejected, and at worst, you may face fines or even be banned from shipping any more hazardous goods. To avoid any problems, always consult an expert to discuss your specific situation and get the best advice on how to proceed with your shipment. Dangerous Goods training is also recommended for all shippers to help ensure that they understand and can comply with the requirements of the IATA DGR.


Lithium batteries are used in many devices such as laptops, shipping lithium batteries internationally cameras, e-bikes and other portable electronics. These batteries can pose a fire risk, and shipping them requires proper documentation and packaging. The packaging must be durable enough to withstand the vibrations of air travel, and it must be clearly marked and labeled with the correct information. Additionally, the package must be properly sized to prevent short circuits.

There are several different labels that need to be affixed to your shipment when you’re shipping lithium batteries internationally. For example, if you’re shipping batteries by themselves (not inside the device they power), you need to have a UN3480 label on your package. This label alerts anyone that handles the package that it contains a dangerous item, and it provides instructions for how to handle it correctly.

You’ll also need a commercial invoice and a bill of lading for your shipment. This paperwork shows the details of your purchase and sale, and it’s necessary for shipments that are subject to customs inspection or that require commodity inspection. You’ll also need a certificate that certifies that the batteries meet UN guidelines for shipment.

If you’re not compliant with these requirements, there’s a good chance that your shipment will be rejected by your courier service. In some cases, your business could even be blacklisted by the carrier, which can cause a delay in your shipment or even a complete loss of your inventory.